About Us

    A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. This journey began at the doctor's office when after a routine checkup, I was told to exercise as if my life depended on it. The doctor said, do something you enjoy and stick with it. So I strapped on my golf bag and headed for a round of golf at a course in the Berkeley Hills. At the turn, my bag started to weigh heavily causing pain in the shoulders, neck, and lower back. My entire back also felt strained. It took me 4 tries to finally walk all 18 holes. The weight of the bag took a toll on my swing, concentration, and overall game. Thus, the Walk18Golf harness was born.
    Orthopedic, Chiropractic and Physical Therapy professionals were consulted and multiple prototypes and iterations were developed and tested. The Walk18Golf harness improved my core, overall posture, and increased my strength and endurance. The core got stronger and the body became more resilient. With less strain on my back, I was able to focus on a more rhythmic swing, achieve faster swing speeds, have tension-free touch around the greens, and roll smoother putts.
    I hope you enjoy the Walk18Golf Harness. It has definitely improved my game and made golf more enjoyable for me. The Stand harness is highly adjustable and customizable to your body and bag. Whether you are a professional golfer, an avid golfer, or a weekend golfer, I want to provide you with a tool to improve the enjoyment of your round.

    Improved Weight Distribution
    The Walk 18 Golf Harness takes the weight distribution off your back and moves it to your core, letting you play a round without feeling weighed down by your clubs. Removing all that weight off your back reduces the tension in your muscles for a more relaxed swing. Whether you prefer to carry your bag or simply doing it for the exercise, do it in a healthier way.

    Centralized Pivot Point with 4 Connectors
    Specialized attachment points help keep your golf bag out of the way, so you can move freely without having to hold on to the bag. The Walk 18 Golf Harness allows your golf bag to move with you, reducing sway and sag.

    Durable and Comfortable
    Designed with durability in mind, Walk18 Golf uses military-grade components. Heavy-duty, water resistant nylon ensures your harness stays strong while insulated strap padding provides ample cushioning.